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Séance spéciale présentée dans le cadre de la série CHAMP LIBRE À FABRICE VIL, à l'occasion du Mois de l'Histoire des Noirs.

Reynold se meurt d'un cancer de l’estomac. Il utilise le prétexte des derniers repas pour les partager avec sa fille Vanessa qu’il n’a pas vu depuis 20 ans. D’abord hésitante, Vanessa accepte de revoir son père. Au fil des repas, un rituel s’installe, les mets traditionnels agissent comme réminiscence du passé. Vanessa découvre qui est véritablement son père: un homme aimant dont la dictature avait durci le cœur.


Special screening presented as part of the CHAMP LIBRE À FABRICE VIL series, in celebration of Black History Month.

Reynold is dying from stomach cancer. Gradually unable to eat normally due to his condition, he resigns himself to starving to death. Grim memories surface of how he had cheated starvation once before as a prisoner in Fort-Dimanche Prison. The last meals that he can still eat provide an opportunity to share these memories with his daughter Vanessa, who he has not seen for 20 years.

At first reluctant, Vanessa finally agrees to go see her father. With the help of her aunt, the owner of a Haitian grocery store, she prepares Haitian dishes for her father.

Over the course of these meals, a ritual develops at Reynold’s bedside as each traditional dish from his youth sparks a memory from his past. He opens up and tells his daughter for the very first time about the abuse that he suffered and, so, frees himself of a heavy burden.

And Vanessa discovers her father’s true nature: a loving father whose heart was hardened under dictatorship.

Release date:


V.O. avec sous-titres anglais

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Cast :




Maryse Legagneur


Gilbert Laumord, Fabrice Yvanoff Sénat, Marie-Evelyne Lessard, Mireille Metellus, Jean Jean

Séance spéciale / Special screening

mardi 11 février 2025


En présence de la réalisatrice Maryse Legagneur, et du chroniqueur et entrepreneur social Fabrice Vil. /With director Maryse Legagneur and colomnist and social entrepreneur Fabrice Vil.


Click on the screening time to buy your ticket

Mar. 11 Fév. 2025
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